Wednesday, February 4, 2009


OBJECTIVE : Learning to passing and place ball in various directions under pressure.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS : 12 players.

AREA/FIELD : Half field.

TIME : 15 minutes.

EQUIPMENT : (A) 2 balls per 3 players. (B) 1 ball per 3 players.

ORGANIZATION : Drill A, players are set up in circular formation. Players with ball look for open players to pass to. After pass, be ready to receive next pass. Drill B, players with ball dribble to middle and pass to open player. If nobody is open, dribble back and then look for pass.

INSTRUCTIONS : Make sure all players are involved and ready to pass and receive.

COACHING POINTS : Passer and receiver make eye contact. Make accurate passes. Communicate.

VARIATIONS : Drill A, play 1 touch. Let players move around freely inside half of field.

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